Hunter Equipment

Hunter BL505 Brake Lathe

Hunter Hawkeye Elite Alignment Machine

Hunter Road Force Elite Wheel Balancer

Hunter Auto34R Tire Changer

Hunter Revolution Tire Changer
98.7% of their customer’s recommend Hunter. And it’s for good reason. Hunter is the world leader in alignment, wheel and tire service, inspection and ADAS calibration equipment.
Their machines are precise, efficient and versatile, saving you time and money.
About Hunter Engineering Company
Hunter Engineering Company was founded in 1946, when 23-year-old architecture student Lee Hunter was tired of dealing with car battery failure.
Despite the experts saying it couldn’t be done, Lee invented a way to quickly charge automobile batteries. He then went on to build a company to manufacture and sell his other inventions.
Since then, the company has built a reputation for innovation and visionary leadership in the application of the newest technologies to automotive service.
Hunter’s award-winning research and development team of mechanical, electrical and software engineers is responsible for hundreds of patented and exclusive features that make Hunter products the most productive equipment available.
Buy Hunter Equipment Locally
Stephenson Equipment is proud to supply Hunter equipment to our customers, including those located in Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Since 1984, we have had the pleasure of helping thousands of customers grow their businesses and succeed.
Contact our sales team to find the best Hunter equipment solution for you and place your order.